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已有 1991 人来访过


  • 年初3了,收拾好心情就要做論文作最後努力了!! 回复
  • Today is the chinese new year! My mother play the TVB game and won a pizza. We are very happy and enjoy that pizza! keep it luck forever for my whole family:) 回复
  • 今天是年30,祝各位新年快樂,身體健康^^ 回复
  • 今天一次過上載了6首伴奏,有5首是LIVE伴奏.香港neway版的! ^^ 回复
  • 昨天參加了第一次的個人歌唱比賽! 好緊張!唱了青春頌:) 還有合唱,唱了小肥的一首歌!!! 回复
  • 2014年1月15日 時間過得真快,今天是我學生生涯最後一個學期開始的第3天了!壓力開始大了,要寫論文,現在準備搜集有關Marketing的資料. 我會在這寫下記錄,好讓自己回頭可以看回自己的辛苦努力! 還有4個月,加油我一定掂 ... 回复
  • Today is Jan10 2014.!! I have to pick up my final year final semester work !! I believe that i can make astonish progress on my academic study! and study english at the same time!! 回复
  • Today got a serious headache.... Painful and my voice become so.... i cannot sing within this few days maybe i have to take rest... After that i have to continuous my Final year project...Add oil!!! 回复
  • I get sick today... And cannot sing very well. I have just uploaded the new song [Twins - 幼稚園]. Hope you guys will enjoy it !! 回复
  • I just upload a new song which is [小手拉大手] 5min before. It is a special verson because i mix both the cantonese and madrine two verson into one song. Hope all of you will enjoy and like it!!! 回复
  • Today i spent around 5 hour to record a song which called [鄭中基 - 無賴]. It is a good song! And i have alreadly uploaded it at 翻唱區. Hope all of you will like it ^^ 回复
  • It is long time no see! It is already 2014! Happy new year to all members here. Today i upload a new songs which is 披頭四 and is sung by 梁漢文. Hope you guys will like it.^^ 回复
  • 今天正式是聖誕節了,祝願各位開開心心,健健康康^^ 回复
  • (平安夜) 今天就12月24了.平安夜.希望全世界的人都開開心心! 今天又上了新歌 (滄海遺珠) 希望大家喜歡^^ 回复
  • 剛剛上傳了(陳奕迅 - 歲月如歌+兄妹) , It is a mix version between Cantonese and mandarin. I upload this songs is because one member here request me to sing about eason chan's songs and i choose it. 回复



上了自己的翻唱^^ 2013-12-22
終於上了自己的翻唱 - 陪著你走. 是一首老歌,但用了新的唱法來唱,希望會有人喜歡^^
Nice Day 2013-12-21
Today is a good day because i successfully register to this 仙來居 forum. I will try my best to contribute on this forum!


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