记得Oprah的采访中有一段实在是太可爱了,她竟然问MJ:Are you a virgin? lol
MJ : (倒吸一口气,脸都红了,手遮脸,很不好意思地笑):How could you ask this question... I' m a gentleman...
她还问MJ: Why do you always grab your crotch? We think you got a thing with your crotch going on here..
MJ: hhehehe...Why do I grab my crotch? ... If you a dancer you would know you're just interpreting the sounds and accompanyings of the music. If there is a driving bass, you become the bass. If there's a cello, if there is a string, you become that. So you become the emotion of what that sound is. So If I'm doing a movement, I go BAM!! and I grab myself... It's the music...It‘s not like I'm ready to grab dowm there, and it's not a great place... you don't think about that. It just happens. Sometimes I looked back to the footstage, and I go huh!! "Did I do that?" So I'm a slave to the rhythm... 然后突然家里的警报器响了,MJ用求救的眼神看着Oprah,还假装镇定,因为那个节目是现场直播。。哈哈哈!!!lol
KING OF POP作者: Eggdanny 时间: 2009-7-27 01:33:52
缅怀Michael Jackson ...···········作者: 慧剑无心 时间: 2009-7-30 13:41:08
什么都不讲了,LZ是仙来Riffd n Run之王。
黑嗓黑嗓,楼主不会真的是黑人八?作者: Mu-Q 时间: 2009-7-30 19:38:44
你不說,我都不知道我都Riffs, Run and Control,
咱們互通有無就好,互相學習,我也拜聽了你的『You are not alone』,唱功非常紮實,十分欽佩! 作者: luohaofu 时间: 2009-7-30 21:27:56