
标题: Take a Pair of Sparkling Eyes - Jone Oakman - The Gondoliers(船工曲,DVD,192kbps) [打印本页]

作者: stevenlsm    时间: 2007-9-17 01:02:41     标题: Take a Pair of Sparkling Eyes - Jone Oakman - The Gondoliers(船工曲,DVD,192kbps)

Gilbert & Sullivan - 基尔伯特和沙利文作品
Czech Symphony Orchestra, John Landor 捷克交响乐团演奏,指挥:约翰·兰多

Gondolier - 威尼斯的“凤尾船”船夫的专用名词。

故事情节概略:两个刚结婚的贡多拉船夫忽然接到通知,其中一人将要成为Barataria的国王,去哪里平息叛乱,并与从小订亲的西班牙Plaza Toro公爵的美丽的女儿结婚。那位西班牙小美人当前却爱着一个仆人。三个女人自然是都想自己能当上王后,矛盾势不可免,故事就此展开.....

有人认为 Gilbert & Sullivan 是借此剧讽刺英国的阶级矛盾和等级森严的现象,把场景挪到了遥远的意大利。歌剧旋律流畅、热烈、欢快感人的音乐。

Take a Pair of Sparkling Eyes 为剧中男高音唱段,原唱由Jone Oakman演绎。




Take a pair of sparkling eyes

Take a pair of sparkling eyes,
Hidden,ever and anon,
In a merciful eclipse-
Do not heed their mild surprise-
Having pass'd the Rubicon.
Take a pair of rosy lips;
Take a figure trimly plann'd-
Such as admiration whets
(Be particular in this);
Take a tender little hand,
Fringed with dainty fingerettes,
Press it,press it - in parenthesis

Ah! take all these,you lucky man -
Take and keep them,if you can,if you can
Take all these,you lucky man
Take and keep them,if you can,
If you can!


Take a pretty little cot.
Quite a miniature affair-
Hung about with trellis'd vine,
Furnish it upon the spot
With the treasures rich and rare
I've endeavour'd to define.
Live to love and love to live-
You will ripen at your ease,
Growing on the sunny side-
Fate has nothing more to give.
You're a dainty man to please
If you're not satisfied,not satisfied,

Ah!Take my counsel,happy man;
Act upon it,if you can,if you can!
Take my counsel,happy man;
Act upon it,if you can,if you can!
Take my counsel,happy man;
Act upon it,if you can,
If you can,if you can.
Act upon it if you can,happy man,if you can!

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