
标题: Doo Wop(That Thing) - Lauryn Hill [打印本页]

作者: 月光不溶    时间: 2005-6-15 20:55:34     标题: Doo Wop(That Thing) - Lauryn Hill


chorus one:
girls you know you betta watch out
some guys, some guys are only about
that thing, that thing, that thing
that thing, that thing, that thing

(admit two shots in the atmosphere)

it's been three weeks since you were looking for your friend
the one you let hit it and never called you again
'member when he told you he was 'bout the benjamins
you act like you ain't here him then gave him a little trim
to begin how you think you really gon' pretend
like you wasn't down and you called him again
plus when you give it up so easy you ain't even foolin' him
if you did then you'd probably fuck him again
talkin' out cha neck saying your a christian
a muslim sleepin' wit da gin
now that was the sin that did jezebell in
who you gon' tell when the reprecussion spin
showin' off your ass cause your thinkin' it's a trend
girlfriend, let me break it down for you again
you know i only say it cause i'm truely genuine
don't be a hard rock when you really are a gem
baby girl the respect is just the minimum
niggas fucked up and you still defendin' him
now lauryn is only human
don't think i haven't been through the same predicament
let it sit inside your head like a million women, in philly, penn.
it's silly when girls sell their souls cause it's in
look at where you be in, hair weaves like europeans
fake nails done by koreans, come again

(yeah, yeah) come again
(yeah, yeah) come again
my friend come again

chorus two:
guys you know you betta watch out
some girls, some girls are only about
that thing, that thing, that thing
that thing, that thing, that thing

the second verse it dedicated to the men
more concerned concerned wit his rims his timbs than his women
him and his men come in the club like hooligans
don't care who they offend, popping yang (like you got yen).........
let's not pretend, the women pack the pistol by they waist men
pissed out by they case men, still in they mother's basement
the pretty face men claiming that they did a bid men
need to take care of their three and four kids men
but they facing court case when the child support place
money takin' and heart breakin,
now you wonderin' why women hate men
the sneaky silent men, the punk domestic violence men
the quick to shoot the semen stop acting like boys and be men
how you gon' win when you ain't right within
how you gon' win when you ain't right within
how you gon' win when you ain't right within
uh uh come again!

watch out, watch out
watch out, watch out
(three more times)

(chorus one then chorus two)

[ Last edited by 美国甜心 on 2006-5-23 at 14:33 ]
作者: 哭哭吧!    时间: 2005-6-17 10:34:33


[center]1999年初,第41届葛莱美奖入围名单一揭晓,Lauryn Hill这个名字赫然成为所有获提名者中最抢眼的一位,因为她所入围的奖项从"年度最佳专辑"、"流行乐最佳女艺人"、"年度最佳新人"、"最佳节奏蓝调女艺人"、"最佳节奏蓝调歌曲"、"最佳节奏蓝调专辑"、"最佳饶舌艺人"一路涵括到肯定艺人最强实力的"年度最佳制作人"。令人咋舌的成绩还不只于此,翻遍英美所有大大小小的音乐杂志,Lauryn Hill于1998年9月所推出的第一张个人专辑《The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill(失学的萝伦希尔)》出现在所有杂志的年度最佳专辑推荐名单上;该张专辑亦曾与专辑中所选出的首支单曲《(Doo Wop)That Thing》双双登上Billboard杂志冠军王座。这位出身著名饶舌团体The Fugees(Refugee Camp)(流亡者(难民营)三人组)的年轻创作者/歌者/Rapper/制作人/演员/母亲,到底有什么样惊人的潜力,使得众家乐评及乐迷们抱以如此惊艳的眼光?
《The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill》专辑以《(Doo Wop)That Thing》等曲涉入Hip-Hop畛域,又以《Lost Ones》挑拨起雷鬼节奏。Lauryn以她具大将之风又充满丰沛情感吸引力的歌声悠游贯穿整张专辑,而在音乐部份,她更为整张专辑注入温暖而感性的声音,并且以展示出她丰富录音知识的作品,彰显了Lauryn Hill称职的制作人身份。她大步迈入一般人认定是属于男性的录音工程领域。"男人觉得要听一个女人的指示是件很困难的事,可是你既然付给一个人钱,你就是要付钱叫他把事情做对做好。我觉得很多想要努力达成自己理想目标的女性反而都会被骂成'女强人'或是'很难相处'。所以我才不管别人怎么说,音乐对我来说太重要了,我要怎么进入音乐领域也很重要。我是个完美主义者,如果为了要达成我所要求的目标,要重做一件事100次,那我就会重复做100次。"

  发行首张专辑就勇得5座葛美奖、3座全美音乐奖及BILLBOARD、灵魂列车、MTV录像带等其它指针性音乐奖殊荣的Lauryn Hill,面对如潮水般涌来的名声及专辑缔造全球一千两百万张销售成绩,使她成为媒体聚集的焦点,这使这位全才知性的创作歌手,动起了淡出歌坛的念头,想要过着不受成名之累的简单生活。于是在事业处于颠峰的时刻,Lauryn Hill毅然远离了媒体追逐、众人的掌声及各种不同的演出,回归到不受干扰云淡风轻的真实生活。

  睽违乐坛四年,2002年5月Lauryn Hill交出她个人音乐生涯中的第二张作品《MTV Unplugged No. 2.0》,与一般歌手推出的不插电专辑截然不同,这是一张双CD专辑收录的每一首歌曲都是出自她全新的创作,交代出她暂别歌坛的这段时间仍然潜心在创作上,历经三度当母亲的心情及对周遭环境的持续关怀及感念,投射出Lauryn Hill的内心世界不会因成名前后有任何的改变,她依然禀持身为歌手因有的社会良知及对主持正义的大声疾呼。而《MTV Unplugged No. 2.0》整张呈现风格是与过去的《The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill》有着鲜明的差别,Lauryn Hill摆脱了复杂的编曲及乐器演奏,只以吉他自弹自唱来诠释她最真切的心底之音。

作者: IAMBEST    时间: 2005-6-20 04:12:10

作者: 月光不溶    时间: 2005-6-22 17:34:07

作者: fantasyboy    时间: 2005-6-23 09:31:39

作者: 月光不溶    时间: 2005-6-23 19:33:54

作者: 拉弟    时间: 2005-6-23 19:48:26

作者: misssprout    时间: 2005-6-24 10:11:04

作者: 月光不溶    时间: 2005-6-24 18:22:41

作者: 拉弟    时间: 2005-6-28 14:36:17

作者: Allen_van    时间: 2005-6-28 17:17:54

这首个很好听,大家都来支持啊 !
作者: mouson1984    时间: 2005-6-30 13:28:08

作者: drun    时间: 2005-7-4 20:25:40

作者: wooohu    时间: 2005-7-9 20:35:04

作者: 月光不溶    时间: 2005-7-9 23:07:30

作者: 陈浩宇    时间: 2005-7-10 11:40:59

作者: 月光不溶    时间: 2005-7-15 20:39:04

作者: JOHNSHOW1983    时间: 2008-8-26 10:32:12

作者: 唱烁预言    时间: 2008-9-1 00:40:06     标题: 呵呵

~哎 一看歌词就没的信心学的了~!欣赏一下就可以了~!
作者: zhzzhz110110    时间: 2010-7-14 17:49:24


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